First Impressions of Windows 11

First Impressions of Windows 11

So, I’m a bit late to the game of Windows Insider builds for Windows 11. It seems that they’ve been available since June 2021. I’ve been preoccupied with other matters lately. Now I’m catching up: My 2nd run with Win11 I missed the leak of the...
Make Your Own Opportunities

Make Your Own Opportunities

The world, as we know it, has fundamentally and permanently changed.  While everyone is struggling to “get back to normal,” very few are able to question what the “new normal” is and what they can do to thrive within it. This is nothing new. Business continues to...
Who Owns Your Personal Data?

Who Owns Your Personal Data?

If you use a smartphone, or any online services, you are probably aware that some of your personal data is being collected. In the drawing above, our little orange man, let’s call him Joe, has connected with friends on Facebook. Facebook now owns the data: “who are...
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